Past Winners



anti-SAG 421-433 catalytic IgA
Stephanie Planque, Yasuhiro Nishiyama, Hiroaki Taguchi, Maria Salas, Carl Hanson and Sudhir Paul Catalytic antibodies to HIV: Physiological role and potential clinical utility Autoimmunity Reviews 7, 473-479

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Yoshiro Ishimaru, Hitoshi Inada, Momoka Kubota, Hanyi Zhuang, Makoto Tominaga and Hiroaki Matsunami Transient receptor potential family members PKD1L3 and PKD2L1 form a candidate sour taste receptor PNAS 103, 12569-12574


hsa-mir-155 and hsa-let-7a-2. (Primary)
Nozomu Yanaihara, Natasha Caplen, Elise Bowman, Masahiro Seike, Kensuke Kumamoto, Ming Yi, Robert M. Stephens, Aikou Okamoto, Jun Yokota, Ta dao Tanaka, George Adrian Calin, Chang-Gong Liu, Carlo M. Croce and Curtis C. Harris. Unique microRNA molecular profiles in lung cancer diagnosis and prognosis Cancer Cell 9, 189-198

Supporting work
Peggy S. Eis, Wayne Tam, Liping Sun, Amy Chadburn, Zongdong Li, Mario F. Gomez, Elsebet Lund and James E. Dahlberg. Accumulation of miR-155 and BIC RNA in human B cell lymphomas PNAS 102, 3627-3632


Rosa M.F. Cardoso, Michael B. Zwick, Robyn L. Stanfield, Renate Kunert, James M. Binley, Hermann Katinger, Dennis R. Burtonand Ian A. Wilson. Broadly Neutralizing Anti-HIV Antibody 4E10 Recognizes a Helical Conformation of a Highly Conserved Fusion-Associated Motif in gp41 Immunity 22, 163-173


Imidazoleacetic acid-ribotide
George D Prell, Giorgio P Martinelli, Gay R Holstein, Jasenka Matuli?-Adami?, Kyoichi A Watanabe, Susan L F Chan, Noel G Morgan, Musa A Haxhiu, Paul Ernsberger Imidazoleacetic acid-ribotide: an endogenous ligand that stimulates imidazol(in)e receptors. PNAS 101, 13677-13682


Adenovirus GP&NP of the Ebola Vaccine
Nancy J. Sullivan, Thomas W. Geisbert, Joan B. Geisbert, Ling Xu, Zhi-yong Yang, Mario Roederer, Richard A. Koup, Peter B. Jahrling and Gary J. Nabel Accelerated vaccination for Ebola virus haemorrhagic fever in non-human primates Nature 424, 681-684

Past winners of the Molecule of the Year dating back to 2002 will be added as this page is updated. Please send updates and corrections to the e-mail address indicated at the link on the top of the site.

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